Dear family,
How's life? I don't know how much you've heard about the flooding out here, but it's really bad. Actually I guess I should say it was pretty bad, because now we're dealing with the aftermath. We've spent pretty much every day this past week doing service and helping those affected by the floods. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday we had a large group of "Mormon Helping Hands" organized to help with relief. The coolest day was definitely Sunday. All of the wards in the Stake met for just 30 minutes of Sacrament and then went out to do service. It was kind of strange seeing everyone in their work clothes during Sacrament Meeting, but it was such a cool experience. The spirit of service was incredible in that room and throughout the day. It was an awesome sight to see everyone gathered together in their yellow shirts ready to serve. In the area we served in it was impossible to go anywhere without seeing members of our church helping out. There were over 700 volunteers! We were the only one's helping out and I know that it was great exposure for the church. At first people were reluctant to allow us to help, but as the day went on more and more people accepted us in. The damage was devestating and many people lost everything thing they had. It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. So many lives were touched by our service and were filled with gratitude.
There are people here who flew out from Salt Lake City to help organize the relief efforts. There will be organized service for probably the next 3 weeks or so. President Obama even came to visit Paterson, Wayne and Lincoln Park which were all hit very badly. Our area has the most damage done to it, so we've been doing service non-stop, even when it isn't organized. It has been quite an experience. A lady told us that during the flooding someone came by in a boat and when she asked if she and her children could catch a ride to safety, the man in the boat tried to charge her 20 dollars per person. It's a sad world that we live in. It's weird to go into people's homes and just throw everything away and tear everything down. I always thought that flooding was on the lamer side compared to other disasters... not true at all. It's been a huge eye opener to me and I'm pretty sure I'll NEVER live next to a river.
With all the craziness this week we haven't been able to see very many people and teach. We stayed in four different places so I'm SICK OF PACKING AND MOVING! It was really hard to stay organized and plan effectively. We pretty much stopped scheduling apointments because they kept springing random service on us and we had to keep cancelling everything. We haven't really been in touch with anyone we're teaching and I'm scared that we're losing people. This week we're going to have to work extra hard to make sure we get in contact with everyone. I've been here for three weeks but we've basically only had church once so it's hard to get to know everyone. It seems like the service takes away from the work, but as I've thought about it, I've been reminded of the early saints in Utah who were building the Salt Lake temple. Brigham Young asked that they stop work on the construction of the temple and instead focus on finishing the transcontinental railroad. It must have seemed as if that took away from the great work they were doing, but in the end that railroad allowed them to finnish the temple much faster than they would have been able to without it. I know that the flooding that has happened has humbled many people, and the service we have rendered is softening their hearts even more. One lady took a picture of the back of my companion's shirt so she could forever remember who helped her during this great trial.
Things have been great for us in our trio. Last night we were planning and the last of the 13 steps to planning is companionship inventory. This step is usually only done during weekly planning but if needed it can also be brought up in nightly planning. For those of you who don't know comp inventory is the time to discuss strengths of the companionship and individuals, things that might be holding the companionship from working in unity or being obedient, to resolve conflicts, to set goals... stuff like that. Anyway, last night I brought it up more as a joke and asked if there was anything we needed to talk about. It surprised me when Elder Tippetts said he did have something to say. He then expressed, so sincerely, his desire to be the best missionary possible and then pleaded with me to show/teach him what he needed to do to make that happen. We then had I guess what you would call a heart to heart moment. I feel very humbled. He had made a comment earlier that day that I needed to stop focusing on improving myself and start helping him to improve. I love young missionaries and it's an incredible opportunity to work with two of them. In all of the confusion this past week I think I've forgotten the importance of why I'm here. I'm here with these two missionaries for a reason, and that reason is to train them how to be successful missionaries. This week I'm going to forget myself and focus only on helping my companions, my district, and my investigators. I'm responsible for them and they deserve all of my time and attention. I love my companions and the area I'm in. I'M SO BLESSED!!! I love you all!
Elder Tilley
P.S. I'm going on an exchange to my old area- Paterson! Yay!
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