Dear Family,
I love you sooo much! I am grateful for family, specifically mine. How wonderful you all are! Family is the most important social unit in this life and in the eternities. We are so blessed to have temples, which allow families to be forever. Families are the best place for growth and learning to take place. This is why Satan works so hard to destroy them. I see the damage that has been done to members of fallen families, which too often is fatal. Loss of life, not physically but spiritually, becomes a great concern and likely a reality in these circumstances. Remember the importance of strengthening the family.
My companion is a very talented individual. He speaks Spanish, English and French fluently and before his mission was a professional painter. It's great to work with someone as intelligent as he is. His language skills have already come in handy in the short time we have been together. We started teaching a lady that speaks French named Claudine. She's from the Ivory Coast and speaks no English. I don't really contribute much, but Elder Rosas has done an amazing job teaching her by himself. After sharing with her the First Vision, she gasped and said "I felt the Holy Ghost! God is with us right now! I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet!" This was all in French of course, so I thought my companion offended her or she had a sudden migraine or something. God is good!
This Easter season was great and just what I needed. The Atonement is real. "And the world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children of men." (1 Nephi 19:9). Jesus Christ suffered for each and every one of us. I have felt the cleansing power of his atonement many times in my life. This is how I KNOW the Atonement is real. Jesus Christ has felt all of our pains, so he knows how to succor his people. The Atonement enables and empowers us and gives us the opportunity to become like God. Jesus Christ is the Way. I love him, so I will keep his commandments. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.
Love Elder Tilley
I love you sooo much! I am grateful for family, specifically mine. How wonderful you all are! Family is the most important social unit in this life and in the eternities. We are so blessed to have temples, which allow families to be forever. Families are the best place for growth and learning to take place. This is why Satan works so hard to destroy them. I see the damage that has been done to members of fallen families, which too often is fatal. Loss of life, not physically but spiritually, becomes a great concern and likely a reality in these circumstances. Remember the importance of strengthening the family.
My companion is a very talented individual. He speaks Spanish, English and French fluently and before his mission was a professional painter. It's great to work with someone as intelligent as he is. His language skills have already come in handy in the short time we have been together. We started teaching a lady that speaks French named Claudine. She's from the Ivory Coast and speaks no English. I don't really contribute much, but Elder Rosas has done an amazing job teaching her by himself. After sharing with her the First Vision, she gasped and said "I felt the Holy Ghost! God is with us right now! I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet!" This was all in French of course, so I thought my companion offended her or she had a sudden migraine or something. God is good!
This Easter season was great and just what I needed. The Atonement is real. "And the world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children of men." (1 Nephi 19:9). Jesus Christ suffered for each and every one of us. I have felt the cleansing power of his atonement many times in my life. This is how I KNOW the Atonement is real. Jesus Christ has felt all of our pains, so he knows how to succor his people. The Atonement enables and empowers us and gives us the opportunity to become like God. Jesus Christ is the Way. I love him, so I will keep his commandments. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.
Love Elder Tilley